NVTracker GPS Locator

159,00 (IVA inc.)

NVTracker is an equipment that usesa GPRS card and allows the user, through the NVTracker APP, track their veichles in real time, at any given moment.

We offer the installation service, if the equipment is installed at Novatronica or during a trip by our team of technicians. If you purchase NVTracker through our certified installation agents, you should ask them about their installation conditions.

€ 6 monthly fee

NVTracker Catalog

SKU: nvtracker-1 Category:


NVTracker is an equipment that uses a GPRS card and allows the user, through the NVTracker APP, track their vehicles in real time, at any given moment..
It has several safety fuctions wich are configurable, among them a list of “authorized numbers” wich receive the generated alerts via push notification or SMS, to this numbers list inserted by the user, so it can always ensure the permanent safety.

An online platform is available 24 hours per day, where you can monitor the location and routes of your vehicles. This fuction allows that, at any moment and through any autorized phone, locate your vehicles through a phone call, an SMS message or from the APP NVTracker, available for Android and iOS, still having a change to immobilize them.

System features

Location: Through the APP, available for Android and iOS, where you have the acess to your vehicle location 24h through voice call or SMS.Location with GPS coordinates, street name, speed, date and time, or link to view on Google map.

Routes: Consultation of all trips made (number of trips, total km ́s and start/end time of activity)

Immobilization: Via APP, voice call, sending SMS;

A.E.A voice call service:  Automatic Electronic Attendance;

Alerts: Speeding; possible towing; exit from the security perimeter; power cut; use at unauthorized times, etc.

Tecnical Specifications:


+12V/+32V 220mA

GSM/GPRS Module: Huawei, Sagem, Ublox (800/900/1800/1900mHz)
GPS Module: Glonass GPS – Ublox

Li-Po 3.7 220mAh


4 Digital ( 2 positives, 2 negatives)


2 Digital Outputs


70 x 65 x 30 mm

NVTracker is equipment that allows the customer, through the NVTRACKER APP, track the vehicle(s) in real time in any time, wherever you are.


Have your vehicle(s) always located through the NVTracker APP. To facilitate interaction between you and your vehicles, Novatronica designed and created a specific APP for the GPS locator NVTracker.
Easily and intuitively, your vehicle has never been so close to you!

Samuel AntãoNVTracker-EN